Sunday, September 26, 2010

Substitute Career For All

By Tooba Altaf

Everyone knows about the economic crisis and unemployment issue that Pakistan is facing these days. In this regard, University of Karachi is really taking some constructive steps to familiarize its students with some extra skills. It is empowering students with back up profession, either consciously or unconsciously, so that if they fail to deliver in their field they have a substitute to earn their livelihood.

The profession I am talking about is of "Conducting a public bus". Let me elaborate a bit more how UoK is helping its students? If you have ever noticed a UoK point then you will observe a bunch of boys swinging at the rear gate. They always try to reach their destination in such a position (may be they consider it cool). Actually they are the real opportunity gainers who secure double degree from university, one formal (of their respective major) and other informal (of conducting a bus) obviously.

These people have some distinguished qualities as well, like commenting on someone’s clothes, hooting at anyone, or expressing their words of respect at any traffic police constable on their way. After this, I really hope all these people get the opportunity in their respective field otherwise the standard of conductors in public buses is going to worsen.

Girls wait!!! Your hard work will not go in vain. I mean it’s not a joke to travel in a point. After all, you people know the most effective way of convincing others to make a place in a fully loaded bus. In coming years, may be there will be buses for women only, so you will have equal chance to make a bright career.

In the end, it’s really great that Karachi University is foreseeing future. And we all should appreciate the efforts which our university is making for us.


  1. Mjhe bhi conductor banna hai :D hehe

  2. hahaha...
    great observation tooba..

  3. didnot know ku offers such things as well :P

    keep it up.

  4. i never thought about this...:P
    tooba i can DEFINITELY relate to this...:D
    loved it..

  5. Such nicely design blog. I really enjoy to read this;)

  6. wow...its too cool IDEA!!!!!
    We have to think over it..

  7. tooba.....this one is worth reading..!
    loved itt.. :)

  8. wow!nice way of commenting such conductors.well done

  9. nice topic and perception for the future.:p

  10. lol tooba!!!!
    its soo damn true :D n great observation skills u have girl :p (Y)

    Wajeeha Naseem
