Tuesday, September 21, 2010


By Saniya Khan

When walking from the Silver Jubilee gate towards the Pharmacy department,on your way you'll happen to find an ancient structure which at first will give you the impression of an old rusty building whose door on opening will make a creaking sound....Except, that the door will not make a creaking sound because it's always open so you can enter like a king in the Gymnasium of Karachi University.

Your sight needs a little adjustment when you step in the gym as it's a bit dark in there because a little sunlight from the muddy windows and few electric lights cannot properly illuminate the big hall.

On right hand there is a chamber where fitness machines have been put for the fitness freaks,so what if the fitness machines are a little outdated they have still kept the name of the place.

And then there is an All-purpose hall, which on regular days serves as a play area for badminton,table-tennis,cricket,yes all in one place because there is no sectioning done in the hall according to the sports,and then occasionally it is turned into an exhibition hall and all the book fairs and fun fairs are held in there.

While being there and waiting for your turn to grab a tennis or a badminton racquet as soon as it gets free you can amuse yourself by watching the pigeons visiting their fellow pigeons from one nest to another and flapping their wings when greeting each other on the high rise windows of the gym.

In all a little restructuring and updating of the Gymnasium can do the trick but due to the recent cut in the funds provided to the University this seems difficult,but we must never loose hope.


  1. its haunted i tell u!! :P
    nicely done!!!

  2. its bhoot bangla ;) or simply kabootar ghar :D
    i really liked ur work except it needs a pic to make it more awesum ....

  3. It is so very true..

    the condition of gymnasium is very disappointing especially for those who are fond of sports..

    Apart from the condition the students never find game materials like rackets or table tennis balls they always say 'we will buy soon but don't no when they will be , i regularly used to go to gym in 1st year ,n i remember i found racket luckily just for 1 or 2 times :) lolzz and after that i took my own ..
    n yeah i do agree saniya that we must not loose hope !!
