Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cut your calories..

By Hurma Khan.

If you are slim and smart without doing any thing, its a blessing no doubt because once you put on some weight it is hard to put it off. You have to go through strict diet plans ( with patience while keeping your hands off from your favourite eatables) tiring exercises and brisk walks ( that are too time consuming especially for professionals and household women, who have to extract extra time from their tough routine). But how would you like if you do nothing and your weight remains stable (smiling ??) yes! it is possible if you are a student of "Karachi University" that offers you to easily burn 100 or more calories a day.

Our new dept of Mass Communication is situated near the rear gate of the university. If one starts to walk from Silver Jubilee to the Mass Comm dept, his/her stamina ends reaching the door of the department but as practice makes a man perfect and experience makes him master, eventually one gets use to it.

Its an agony especially for the students of 1st nd 2nd year, who have to walk twice or even thrice a day to take their subsidiary classes in arts lobby, thus for their convenience they do take precautionary measures, so you will find students wearing shoes instead of slippers, wearing sun shades, putting on sun block, holding umbrellas and taking lifts and rickshaws.

Two years ago when I joined KU my body mass was 45kg but thanks to the long routes of KU and to the dept I belong i.e Mass Communication, my body mass has decreased to 41kg.

Many of relative aunts used to ask me, Dear! you were already slim and day by day you are getting more thinner, why? I smiled and answered them, its because I am the student of Karachi University and my department is one of the farthest department of KU.
One of my aunt who is worried about her obesity and wants to put off some weight, I always give her a kind suggestion to join KU, by the end of your masters program it will be a pleasure for you when u take a degree as a smart student.

So if u really like my advice,get yourself enrolled in KU and start exercising your calf muscles, believe me its the best way to cut your calories...


  1. my brother doesnt believe i walk all the way down to mass comm.. you know bcoz of my stubborn fats..
    nice one!!

  2. well written hurma...i love the illustrations!!:)

  3. I still not getting the point , why people are using "blog" just for filling up the blog thingy?
    Am no one to criticize like this but take it as a suggestion .
    See We all know these things and everyone is somehow a good writter but dont find anything interesting in it , sorry to say.
    Write something that people read and say yes this is my voice too .

    Ask your self if you get a chance to publish this thing somewhere on a big platform , would you write like this ? no , because there is nthng interstng.

  4. You have written it beautifull and the aunty wala part is good . avail the oppertunity we all get by this blog thingy .
    Hope you and the readers take it possitively.

    Suleman Saadat Khan

  5. hey how interestng article it is ,keep it up.

  6. Its really interestng article .keep it up

  7. good job hurma khan.. i think i should join KU.. :p
    gud luck for next.. :)

  8. well written...keep it up...:)from the day i joined k.u i have also reduced my body mass from 42 to 40 by the mercy of long distance from pharmacy dept to silver jubilee...dont know what would be my body mass after 5 yrs...:)

  9. I think it is a very interesting topic and at the same time quite hilarious piece as well.

    And for the comment that says write some thing it is my voice too then for that person I would like to say we are writing from Karachi university not the problems of citizen of Pakistan. Criticism is good but it should be constructive.

  10. In general, this is very interesting piece of to read. Any new-comer to Mass COmmuncation dept can be appalled to read this and may reckon to get him transferred to another department :D.

    But i feel more fit when i used to cover this 15/20-minutes distance to new mass comm building. Even i used to go other departments as well. I dont know how have u lost your weight? I think u must be running to cover a distance all the time. That might be the reason :P :D
