Monday, October 18, 2010


By Ifrah Ali Khan

A student in my eyes is someone who goes through a lot of educational stages in his/her life. From school to college and then finally to a bigger platform, " a university".

Talking about the Karachi University ( as i belong to it ), a student needs to be someone who has the skills of moulding and adopting quickly. Why am i saying so?? Lets discuss about a very general yet common problem that we face regularly. As a student of K.U one experiences a lot of different teachers with their sophisticated styles and rules.

After every 50 minutes a K.U student has to adjust himself/herself according to the styles of their teachers. Now which style am i talking about?? of course, it is about their weird teaching styles.
Regarding this, here comes a short story:

In a classroom, a student notes down every single point and word of a teacher because the teacher wants him/her to do that and so the student follows it ( its a very commonly practiced style of any teacher who appreciates noting down everything delivered by him/her).

As those 50 minutes comes to an end and the second class starts, student goes through another style. Now the teacher wants the student not to write anything in front of him/her as it creates disturbance ( according to them). They wants the student to absorb every word and point in their minds only. So the student follows and keep his/her "Just used" belongings aside. ( Its a style very seldom followed by the teachers who just want their students to listen and not to write).

These two styles are the very common styles of the K.U teachers. As a student, here i want to say that it seems quite an easy thing for a student to switch quickly to an another mode but actually it is not. Firstly a student is made to write in the class and then after a short period of time he/she is restricted not to write. Such a change is sometimes really annoying for a student like me.

One say that writing and noting down is good for a student while another say that capturing everything in mind is more useful as it exercises the brain and makes one remember everything. Now here arises a state of strong confusion among students. A student keeps questioning himself/herself as to which way to adopt and which way not to adopt? which way to follow and which way not to follow? who is right? or who is wrong?

Why do not teachers think that moulding oneself into another style and that is also quickly is not that easy? Not all the students are same. Not all the students have the same capacities. Some might not have any problem but some might have. But sticking to the reality, none of the teacher thinks in that context, a student is always left helpless. Teachers themselves feels that they are doing best to their students but only a student knows how much difficulty he/she faces


  1. Teachers must read this.. As this is the major issue which students are facing in almost all educational institutes . (esp. colleges and universities)..
    Well done ifrah!! u really hit a hot n debatable issue..!!!
    good luck!

  2. I really appreciate ur work Ifrah.... Infact em facing the same pblm that which way shud i follow...

  3. First teacherz shuld decide themselves the only way they want students to follow..... we cant get adjusted 5 times in a day by different rules n styles..

    i lyk ur piece ov writing...
    all the best!!!!

  4. Rite...I face this problem too.

  5. Why teachers don't understand about student problems???

  6. Its a common problem faced by every student.

  7. Its very gud to see that u highlighted dis serious issue.

  8. Gud effort Ifrah!

  9. we are going through this problem by the day we got admission in the university..well according to me noting down the lecture is far more better than not to write in front of the teacher.i think whether student mind is sharp or not but all students want written material because it makes study easier in exams ..
    and of course students faces problems with this double teaching style ..

    well written Ifrah :)
