Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mobile Mania

By Suzanna Sardar Masih

The invention of the mobile phone has changed the face of communication and human interaction forever. Now, you can get connected to your friends, family or acquaintances in a matter of seconds even if they are living in the farthest corners of the world, via the revolutionary wireless signal system. The mobile phone is our connection to the world. It provides on the go and instant communication. In today’s fast paced world it has become a necessity for everyone and I do mean everyone from your local sabzi walla to bus drivers and beyond.

So the question arises would the modern student deny himself the pleasures of the latest and priciest cell phone models? Of course not. We are not lesser mortals! Students from universities, colleges and even schools are seen sporting the trendiest cell phones to hit the markets and showing them off to peers with monotonous descriptions of the various applications the phone is equipped with.

In truth this little wonder has become an essential part of our daily lives. The problem occurs when it overtakes all other important tasks of our life. For instance, the lecture is an integral part of our education; however, students are seen wasting away the time sitting in class playing games on their mobiles or texting. It is incredibly rude behavior towards the teacher who is taking out the time to educate you and not to mention very distracting to those who actually pay attention in class.

In a vast institute like KU cell phones can be particularly useful when you are unsure about the class timings and dont feel like risking walking long distances to your subsidiary classes. Just text your friend to confirm it and save yourself the trouble. However, excessive use of the cell phone in class should be discouraged. Teachers usually turn a blind eye towards the students who indulge in such behavior and many a times themselves are seen disrupting a class to take a phone call! The cell phone has even become a convenient way of cheating in an exam you can just get someone to text you the answers or save them in the drafts folder beforehand.

Although the university rules clearly stipulate that cells phones should be switched off during class timings but just like all other rules that are written down it all comes down to implementation which sadly is missing.


  1. where wud we be without cellphone :P :P very well written

  2. you are an outstanding writer!!!
    and you never boast about it!!!
    ypu are the best suzanna!!!

  3. OMG..! I had the same topic in my mind with exactly same title and picture.!:P
    it seems as if uve read my mind..
    but uve written it more creatively than me..

  4. Good work Suzanna

  5. I love the way you write babe ;)

  6. its all true we are nothing without cell phones..............!!

  7. PROPERTIES OF MOBILE PHONE,,GReat yar well written ..ofcourse

  8. very well said!nice topic.
