Wednesday, October 6, 2010


 By Ifrah Ali Khan

Like all the "good" departments of the university, Mass Communication department also occupies a space for a G.C.R i.e Girl's common room. A girl's common room is actually a place where girls can relax or do whatever pleases them. There is a big list of the activities that one can observe in the mass communication's G.C.R, let me highlight few of them. One can find there girls chatting with each other like anything, making assignments, offering prayers, sleeping (only if the fellow girl does not feels like listening to loud music) and so on.. There are so many common yet stupid activities one can find in a G.C.R.

When i first entered the Mass Communication department, I was told by my fellow that the department bears no girl's common room. I was shocked, hell shocked! But later on as the days passed i finally came to know about a room called G.C.R in the department. I was really excited to see that how the G.C.R of such a great and well-build department would be.

The moment i opened my eyes in the G.C.R , my hopes together with my good thoughts regarding the G.C.R were crushed to death.Because what I found there were just few old sofas, a broken table and a few "chatai" kind of things lying on the floor. There was a small dusty cupboard kind of a thing and,that's all!

Days have passed and so two years but unfortunately the condition of the G.C.R instead of going towards betterment has declined from bad to worst. Talking about the present condition of the G.C.R that we have in our department, I seriously have no words. It has nothing but an old 19th century, half rolled half spread carpet, few broken chairs and this is it! I mean, I have never experienced such a "COMMON" G.C.R in my entire life. Girls ek G.C.R to comfort themselves but whenever the thought of going to the G.C.R strikes my mind, I always become more uncomfortable.

Knowing the fact that i have just wasted my energy on this topic and that it has nothing to discuss , but somewhere my hopes are quite high that one day the administration will take notice of this and will try to make the G.C.R a better place for girls to unwind.


  1. You stole my topic :'( thts what i had decided to write on in my next post ;'(

  2. well said the mass comm GCR IS just like a ghareeb khana

  3. ayesha its ok dear..
    it happened with me as well..

  4. Ya you are ryt and it should be upgrade for girls comfort..!

  5. clash of the topics strikes again :P
    good work ifrah!

  6. well done;
    i like ur topic:)its interesting:)

  7. ya u r right GCR seriously needs some improvisations.well written ifrah!

  8. very nicely written ifrah..:)
    seriously there should be some improvements there in the GCR.

  9. Well written! u r rite GCR needs improvement and it should be well furnished
