Monday, October 4, 2010

Rally conducted by KUrians....

By Hurma Khan.

Now a days protest against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui's case is the burning issue. The verdict which came up on Sep-23 from American court of justice according to which, she has been sentenced to 86 years imprisonment on seven charges, is unbearable for all the Pakistanis and muslims through out the world.

Its just excruciatingly painful that the daughter of our nation and a symbol of pride (the world's only neurologist who received an honoury degree from Harvard in neurology and was awarded by many certificates from twenty institutions of the world, hafiz e Quran and aalima) is being tortured by US.

In order to condemn this imprisonment several rallies and demonstrations are being organized in various parts of the country by political parties, civilians and students of universities, very actively.

We, the students of one of the biggest institutions of Pakistan i.e, University of Karachi, also took a part and organized a rally to condemn the verdict of Us court and to demand unconditional release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

The rally was organized by the students of Mass Communication. It was overall a peaceful protest and the march stared from our dept and the destination was the silver jubilee main gate of KU. Kurians from other departments also joined hands with us. We held banners, play cards, shouted slogans etc. Although it was not a big rally as such because it was non-political attempt but as "Little drops water make an ocean and Little grains of sand make a piece of land" similarly it was a little attempt which can be done from our part.

Students claimed that the allegations against Dr. Aafia were false because US court of justice could not prove them. Secondly, if she was supposed to be a culprit then why her three innocent children were kept in custody along her? What kind of justice was behind that?

One of our senior student claimed that it is a need of time to stand as united and this matter should not be associated to any political party as we all know that the first rally was conducted by Jamaat e islami in favour of Dr. Aafia then it was associated by some people that it is a political issue.


  1. again rally.......i think AMmar done it already.u should try with another stuff.,..p

  2. Well well is debatable topic... and i did nt get the idea behind it.

    Anywayz it is gud u are practicing writing...keep it up :)

  3. gud work hurma..... bt encruciatingly???
    spellings bht kharab hai is dafa :P
    usually ure so meticulous .....

  4. I know, I just read it again... This piece is showing my frustration :) cuz I got late to publish it and typed so hurriedly + load shedding time....

    @ Kanwal, what can I do if Ammar had written it a day before, topic has clashed once again :P

  5. Clash of the titans k baad clash of the topics.....
    anyways i liked it hurma.... i didnt join the rally so its good to read abt it.. :)
