Sunday, August 29, 2010


By Ifrah Ali Khan

'Dr. Feroz Ahmed Institute of Mass Communication', what does this name reflect?? Doesn’t it reflect that the particular institute must be dealing with the students solely admitted to the Mass Communication department? Doesn’t it make sense that the department must be equipped with the Mass Communication students only? Doesn’t it makes u believe that the departmental properties like canteen, washrooms, Photostat shop and other areas only belong to the Mass Comm students?
There is only one answer to all these questions and that is YES! YES!
If one is admitted to any of the particular department in the university then that department is no more unfamiliar to him/her, in fact one can call it as his/her 'OWN' department.
Talking about the department of Mass Communication (as i belong to it), its really sad and unfortunate to quote that we, being the students of Mass Comm suffers at the hands of “temporary invaders". Now one must be pondering over the term I just used that what are actually temporary invaders??
Doesn’t it somewhere link with those creatures that invade the respective lands of the people already possessing it or I should better say OWNING it? To all the minds in which this question might have clicked, the answer is again yes!
Our situation is just like those poor and innocent people who watches their properties/land being used by the invaders just like their own together, leaving them with the bitter feeling of deprivation. Now i think i should better disclose as to who these invaders are...
Firstly it includes the students of our so-called neighbourhood UBIT (Umer Basha Institute OF Information Technology) and secondly the students of other different departments coming for their subsidiary classes.
It’s a bit ironical yet unfortunate to say that when these invaders come to our department we just feel homeless! There is not a single  spot in the whole department left where you cannot find them sitting aimlessly, munching snacks, sipping tea, smoking a tons of cigarettes, taking photographs, occupying and merely messing the washrooms, fighting the war of waterloo at water coolers and there are a lot of activities they do which i do not want to quote here. In short, one can find them at every corner of our department. I mean I just do not understand that as to why they do such things in our department!? They all are provided with their own respective departments to do whatever they wish to. Having a rule, formulated by the university administration that all the students are suppose to stay in their own departments and are not suppose to pay stupid and occasional visits to other departments, but as it is said " Rules are made to be broken" Similarly, this rule is too violated by the students.
The one and a very irritating problem that every student of our department faces is the problem of printouts. If we are fortunate enough to receive any assignments and if we wishes to get it printout at the department Photostat shop so we have to think twice! The only hot seat in the Photostat shop always occupies the UBIT students for their printouts. We are mostly deprived of the printout facility that might be solely designed for us but is always enjoyed by the UBIT students. Wait, wait and wait! That’s all we do if we have to get a printout/Photostat of a single page!
Keeping these problems in mind a student's council was too made by the students of the department under the supervision of the student's adviser, with the hope to cope up with these problems but, so far no fruitful results have come out of it and together we are still been unable to overcome these problems.


  1. By Maisa Kanwal

    Completely agreed! thing is that student of Mass Communication do face problem like these and i do agree that student of other deptt. do such useless thing but these problems are faced by all other department of the University so Mass Communication is not the only one facing such problems, we usually find many people doing useless things but this is not the issue as i'm having Mass Communication as my subsidiary subject and the writer would be well aware of the fact that we, the student of Arts faculty have to walk a long way to reach there so using water cooler and wash rooms or common room of ur department is quite obvious.
    Well, another issue that you have mentioned is, student of UBIT department using ur photostat shop and you ppl have to wait for a long time for just a copy or printout it's something serious and need immediate action student of UBIT don't have photostat shop but again that's not Mass Communication deptt's fault but yes because of it students of Mass Communication suffer alot. So, it is responsibilty of UBIT students to demand for aleast a photostat shop in their own deptt. as it is their keen necessity too. And why should students of Mass Communication suffer for it?!

  2. strongly agreed......! & our department's administration should take strict action,to solve this problem......

  3. way to go ifrah!!!
    may be we should put on a sign saying "no ubit people" i guess that wudnt even stop them..they are so stubborn..have a palace for a campus still deprived of the basic necessities

  4. Haha Very well describe ifrah!
    Good one!
    Keep writing

  5. hey Ifrah you chose a great topic to write on...your article is the voice of all the mass com students who have to go through this waiting trauma! however, there were problems with the verb/subject aggreement, work on tht and you'll be all set ;)

  6. Shumaila Rais UddinAugust 30, 2010 at 5:00 AM

    very well written ifrah nd very true too:)
    i like ur picec and topic:)

    keep writting.

  7. yeah true, the article is the voice of all much irritating to wait for an hour for a minute's photostate or print out!!!
    good job girl.
