Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Students week a time for parties to show their muscle

By Nabeel Hashmi

Students week is supposed to be a time period where students are seen involved in different competitions to showcase their talent and potential but what I witnessed was pretty sad.

The leading political parties of Karachi university went head to head in order to prove their dominance and muscle in the institution trying to out do their opponents by staging various programs to attract the most number of students towards their respective zones.

For neutrals it would astonishing to read zones but let me clarify it that yes there are zones of Jamiat, APMSO,PSF,ISO etc. From years these parties have set their eagle eyes on the varsity because they feel it is the best platform to draw the youth of country to support their cause on a bigger platform.

Such has been the ignorance and bullying of parties that on one end one can hear Holy Quran being recited meanwhile on the other loud music. I would like to blame both the sides because if one can hear the Holy Quran easily than they should wait for a while. On the other hand if the music is going than the other party should wait so that the respect of the Holy verses should be maintained.

The reason to highlight this issue is to make people realize no one can be bigger than religon and society. We as students should condemn such acts because if we would skip their programs than it would make them realize that alone they are nothing it is the public which makes them stronger may it be a university or a country. Fights, bullying and blood shed in not required to bring a change........ It is the will and a courage to condemn and skip things which can ultimately result positively. The journey towards betterment can be very easy if we can stand up cohessively and move in one direction.

The amount of neutral students in KU are about 30, 000 where as the number of political workers collectively are less than 2000. If we feel something is wrong then we should raise our voice through any platform we can and I condemn what has been going in the Karachi university.


  1. You are so damn true!!!!! man....

    Students week is for students but these party workers have other ideas they want to prove dominance urrghhhh.... This is ridiculous as they want to show their power by hosting successful events on such occasions.

    It's a pity.

  2. Really gutsy:) Good work Nabeel you are so blunt and thats what I like about you. Lot of courage is required to write such blogs.

